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Brendan O’Carroll returns home and surprises son Danny during Dancing With The Stars rehearsals

The fan favourite, who plays Buster Brown in Mrs Brown's Boys, shared a heartfelt moment with…

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two men and woman discussing work

NATIONAL: Are bankers’ pay packets about to get a huge bump?

In recent weeks Ireland's pillar banks announced their 2024 financial results, and there was a clear…

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Pierce Brosnan says he’s ‘interested’ in returning to James Bond role –

Pierce Brosnan says he’s ‘interested’ in returning to James Bond role –, Pierce Brosnan says…

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banknote lot

Social welfare recipients can earn extra €14,000 without impacting payments

The measure was first introduced in May 2022 and has been extended

Ireland faces bill of up to €26bn if EU climate targets missed, report warns

Two Government advisory councils have come together to warn that Ireland must act to avoid massive…

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Ireland’s time-warped island of Owey is the perfect place to disconnect

Located off Donegal’s coast, this car-free isle was last inhabited full-time in the ’70s. Now, locals…

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12 Most Popular Shopping items in Ireland right now

Based on recent trends and popular categories in Ireland, here are 12 items that are currently…

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